Tuesday, September 26, 2017

1st amendment rights

I think that this case is stupid and pointless and should of never been brought into Federal Court. Yes in Minnesota there is a law that you can not say no to someone because of the sex or marital status but still if that photography company tells you no we are not going to videotape your wedding just go find a different photography company that will videotape your wedding. If that company said no the next one more than likely would say yes because they are getting money for it. Its not like a gay couples wedding videos are going to cost you more money than someone that is not gay.

I think that photography company should of either just taken the video or just been like nope we are busy that day just so they would not have to deal with going to court over this deal and have that bad name for the company.

So my thought on this is that it is stupid and that gay couple should of never of made it a big deal. That is just how our country is. If you are gay and not straight there are going to be people that do not like you and you are just going to have to deal with it and get over it. It is such a small thing that you should not let bother you.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Making an Amendment

You will receive help getting a house and a job, as long as you have served in the United States military, in order to reduce the population of homeless veterans in the United States.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Teaching an Amendment

14th Amendment

1. This amendment said that if you were born in America no matter what race you are, you are considered an U.S. citizen.

2. It was ratified on July 9th, 1868
It Granted citizenship to "all people born or naturalized in the United States," which included former slaves recently freed

3. Amendment is still the same it hasn't changed. 

  It happened when the slaves were being freed so they made them citizens 
  It means if you are born in the United States of America you are an United States citizen.
  If a Mexican crosses the border and has a baby on U.S. territory that baby is considered an U.S. citizen and the mother gets to stay in the country with the baby.